What health conditions can reflexology help with?
Reflexology is particularly beneficial for the relief of stress, tension and anxiety. It also rebalances hormones, boosts your immune system, improves your sleep, flushes the body of toxins, and generally boosts energy levels.
What should I wear/bring?
Please wear comfortable clothes, so to allow yourself to fully relax. I would suggest wearing layers, as we all feel hot and cold differently. Slippers will be provided. I would recommend bringing your preferred drink, as you should keep hydrated during and after the treatment, but I will have water ready for you.
What happens during a reflexology treatment?
At your first appointment I will go through some health and lifestyle questions (you would have been sent a questionnaire to fill in prior treatment) to better understand what you might be looking for from reflexology and then tailor your session to your exact needs. Then you will make yourself comfortable on the treatment chair and we will start. You are welcome to ask any questions during treatment or simply sit back and relax, maybe even fall asleep. I will happily discuss my findings during or after the session. The treatment room is a safe space and you are invited to be yourself at all times without judgement. I am aware treatments may trigger emotional and/or physical reactions, know that you can discuss anything with me during, after or the days following the treatment. You will be asked to pay attention to feelings and memories that may arise during or after the treatment, as they are normally a way for your body to communicate with you.
How often should I have Reflexology?
The number of treatments you will need depends on your ailment or condition, how long you have had it and what you are hoping to achieve. If you are focused on a specific health issue, I would recommend that you start with a more intense and regular approach, followed by a maintenance programme. If you are having treatments to promote general relaxation and health, then I would suggest one session a month.
However, the frequency of treatments is entirely up to you and your own personal preference. It might be once per week, once per month or even once per year.
Is reflexology safe?
In most cases it is. I will highlight any potential concerns after receiving your questionnaire. If there are contraindications for your specific medical conditions, I will make sure to discuss this prior to your treatment.
Is reflexology safe during pregnancy?
Yes it is, but I prefer not to treat pregnant women during their first trimester, as I lack the specific training for maternity reflexology. I’ll be happy to offer treatments after that.
Allergies and other special requirements
Please note I have 2 indoor cats and, despite all my best efforts, the treatment room will be contaminated with cat fur. If you suffer from asthma and use an inhaler, please make sure to bring it with you. I have unscented reflexology wax, in case of sensitive skin, which can be tested on a small section of the foot before treatment. I normally burn incense or use aromatherapy oils, if you know that this may cause any adverse reaction, or if you are simply not a fan, please let me know and I will avoid using them. If you have any other concerns, feel free to get in touch and I’ll do my best to accommodate your needs.
How does it work?
Hypnosis is thought to work by altering our state of consciousness in such a way that the analytical left hand side of the brain is turned off, while the non-analytical, right hand side is made more alert. The conscious control of the mind is inhibited and the subconscious mind is awoken. Since the subconscious mind is a deeper seated, a more instinctive force than the conscious mind, this is the part which has to change for the patients’ behaviours and physical state to alter.
For example, a patient who consciously wants to overcome their fear of spiders may try everything they consciously can to do it, but will still fail as long as their subconscious mind retains this terror and prevents them from succeeding. Progress can only be made by re-programming the subconscious mind so that deep seated instincts and beliefs are abolished or altered.
I can’t be hypnotised
There are some people who believe they cannot be hypnotised. This is incorrect. Everyone – or nearly everyone can be. Hypnosis does require the ability to concentrate so the only people who aren’t susceptible are the very young or those who are well beyond average intelligence.
What happens during hypnosis?
1. Your hypnotherapist is essentially a coach. They will guide you into a state of deep relaxation.
2. Once your body and mind are in relaxation mode (much like a daydream), your hypnotherapist will be able to access your unconscious mind (the part of us that works all the time but that we're not necessarily aware of, i.e. innate instincts and survival mechanisms).
3. Soothing, carefully worded scripts can be used to explore client's reasons, motivations, and suggest new ways of thinking through visualisations. You have the control to reject any suggestions you don't feel happy with without any guidance from your hypnotherapist.
4. Over time, you will learn how to replace your negative habits and patterns with positive ones suggested by your hypnotherapist.
Will I lose control?
No – Absolutely NOT.
One of the most popular myths is the idea that a person will lose control and be ‘made to dance like a chicken’ (oh please, not that one again).
The actual fact is that those people who ‘volunteer’ for the stage show are of the personality type who would love to ‘be funny’, they would love to be more popular, to be the life and soul of the party – but they are afraid of looking silly.
What if they were not funny, if people didn’t laugh. They are afraid of rejection.
By doing it ‘on stage’ they can say “the hypnotist made me do it”.... thus hiding behind reality courtesy of the stage master.
It is useful to know that during hypnosis you will not: be out of control, be asleep, be told to do anything you don't want to do, have your memory erased, be forced to reveal your deepest darkest secrets.
Hypnotherapy will not see you being prized open and exploited by your hypnotherapist; you will remain in control throughout your sessions.
What is the worst thing that can happen to me while I am hypnotised?
The worst thing that can happen is NOTHING. ......... yes, that’s right NOTHING............ NOTHING !.......... think about it, the worst is that NO CHANGE will be brought about, no POSITIVE change. ........... so yes, you could say that the session failed. So, NOTHING happened.
Only the weak can be hypnotised
Quite the opposite. Hypnosis is actually a natural state. It is dictated by brain wave activity. It is all about changing from Beta to Alpha state.
Hypnosis is just deep sleep
Well, hypnosis is even used by the police in forensic work, subjects are sometimes able to provide significant additional factual material relevant to criminal investigations, you couldn’t do that if you were asleep. Your mind becomes very clear and you can open your eyes at any time if you need to. Falling asleep is actually detrimental to the treatment as the subconscious is not receiving the suggestions as clearly..... Unless it is a relaxation session, in which case, it is a clear success 😄
What if I get stuck and can’t wake up?
No one has ever become ‘stuck’ in a hypnotic state. You may physically fall asleep, but your mind will wake you up as naturally as every morning.
Allergies and special requirements
Please note I have 2 indoor cats and, despite all my best efforts, the treatment room will be contaminated with cat fur. If you suffer from asthma and use an inhaler, please make sure to bring it with you. I normally burn incense or use aromatherapy oils, if you know that this may cause any adverse reaction, or if you are simply not a fan, please let me know and I will avoid using them. If you have any other concerns, feel free to get in touch and I’ll do my best to accommodate your needs.
Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy
How does Pay Life Regression affect one’s present life?
The present life you are living is but a chapter in the novel that is you. All of your experiences contribute to the outcome of the reincarnational cycles. Why would a soul not want all the information possible? Each action and reaction in the linear determines the roughness or smoothness of the path. Knowledge is power.
Is what I see and feel during a session real or is it imagination?
Your past-life memories and the corresponding images are given to you by your subconscious mind. You already know the truth and you have the answers within. By trusting your inner images, you’re able to open another doorway into your past lives.
Your imagination can show you what’s inside your subconscious mind, without all the judgements and restrictions that belong to our critical mind, which is normally set aside whilst under hypnosis.
By allowing your imagination to open up the real world for you, you’ll find that what you originally thought of as fantasy is, in truth, the fact. You can feel the difference between fantasies and facts. Trust your feelings.
Can everyone be successfully regressed?
Everyone has the capacity to be successfully regressed; however, it may take some more sessions for some people than others, due to level of development, trust and readiness. This therapy may not be effective for a client if they function solely on an intellectual level and do not have the capability for introspection. Past life therapy is not appropriate for individuals who have lost touch with their emotions.
Sometimes a client may not be able to relax the conscious mind, feeling self-conscious in front of the therapist or in the situation itself, and may remain focused on being present in the room.
Sometimes a client may not be able to tune into one specific past life, instead images from various past lives may come and go. It is possible a client may need some time to build up trust for the therapeutic process in order to allow unconscious material to arise.
Our own strong expectations and desire to relive a past life can get in our way. We may want it so much that we try to force the process and, paradoxically, we block it. However, with practice we can overcome any such obstacles. It is important to practice without any frustration and without any attachment to the outcome of a particular session. Don’t say, “I have to have a regression,” for that will only prevent it from happening. There is no need to put this kind of pressure on yourself. Just accept whatever comes to your mind. There is a process and wisdom at work. When you trust it, it will guide you to wherever it is that you need to go.
Traumatic situations of suffering or violent past life deaths may block past life memories. When this occurs there may be a higher wisdom at work. The client may need to do more internal work before they are ready to address these memories.
How deep can I regress?
Active memory is only a small part of our normal consciousness, and that our unconscious memory registers and preserves every past impression and experience which our waking mind fails to recall. Past life regression is a very safe, gentle, and natural process. The unconscious mind, where past life memories reside, is selective in what it releases to the conscious mind, it will allow the person to go as deeply and as far as they need to go.
How does my subconscious mind work?
In every life, you are born with a new body and a new brain, which serves the purpose of allowing you to function in the physical world. Your subconscious awareness, which contains the knowledge of your soul, is incorporated within your new physical body, with all of your accompanying past-life memories. Remembering your past lives is searching the subconscious for the right information, by using your mind’s unique filtering mechanism that allows you to remember only what is relevant or important to your present life, based on present circumstances.
Should I be worried about experiencing death in a previous lifetime?
Each experience is different. You can feel a deep calm and peace, and many feel a joy in being released from the body. You may also experience an after life review process, where you understand the lessons you were meant to learn and the ones you will need to learn in other lifetimes, maybe even the current one. In case of particularly traumatic deaths, I can swiftly guide you to become an observant and detach yourself from the physical sensations, but still benefit from the experience and the understanding. A lot of people reported afterwards that they had lost their fear of death in their current life. Some have met people who they recognise from this current lifetime. Some find solace in recognising the souls of someone who passed away, knowing they have met many times before and they will continue to do so.
I’m nervous and even a little fearful of what might happen if I can’t handle what I see.
The unconscious mind will only send us past life memories that we are ready to deal with and are able to integrate into our conscious personality structure. Those who have little experience of therapy or meditation more often start gently. The first past life memories that come tend to be more benign.
It is very much like watching a movie, though when you go deep enough, you feel everything, it is however not a frightening experience at all, no matter what you encounter. Recall can sometimes be painful and accompanied by tears and fear, but the mind always knows how to handle whatever is revealed and is aware of the experience on two levels: the connection with the present and the presence of the therapist, as well as the scenario going in the mind as it recalls some event in the past. In another word, you are here, and you are there simultaneously.
What results can I expect from my session?
Many different things can come out of a session. Re-experiencing and processing a past life memory might help you understand and resolve current relationships, begin to untangle emotional problems including phobias and compulsions, and even heal physical symptoms. It might explain mysteries in your life and give you a greater sense of peace. Perhaps the greatest benefit is experiencing yourself as a soul who has lived before and will live again. Really knowing this can give you a different perspective, perhaps a little more objectivity, and a context for your present life, and diminish your fear of death or the death of loved ones.
I cannot say what will happen in your session, but any or all of these benefits are possible, based on what I've seen from my own regression experience and from the clients I’ve worked with.
How many sessions will I need?
It depends on the issues and your goals and means. Sometimes change happens slowly and sometimes it happens instantaneously. Normally people start to have an answer to this question after their first past-life regression session.
When a pattern is so strong and constantly being justified, when a philosophy or an attitude have created a repeated behavioural pattern, it may take awhile for that behaviour to change. If you’ve already had a lot of reflection upon the past, you can simply identify the patterns and drop it, so you can choose what you prefer.
Some clients find that one session gives them a tremendous jolt of insight, and shifts their perspective. It can take time to process these changes. Remember, this is not talk therapy and it is not necessary to do past life regressions every week, or even every month, as you would with traditional psychotherapy. Returning for another session be driven by curiosity to discover more past lives or it may deepen the understanding of previously discovered insights and continue the healing process. But it's always your choice, and you may find that one session is all that you need.
How long is a session?
A session is approximately 2 hours. This can vary greatly from client to client, so you may want to allow plenty of time as I will not rush through it because of the time ticking.
You will be sent a form to fill in before the session and we will go through it together to discuss why you want to do a regression and what you would like to accomplish. I may ask many questions about your present life including your family history, events in early childhood (if you remember), your physical health, etc., as a means of discerning particular patterns that may be a reflection of your past life experiences. The interview not only gives me information about you, it also primes your unconscious, builds a relationship of trust and begins the regression process.
If you’re completely new to any form of meditation or hypnotherapy; if you don’t feel at ease with the hypnotic process or in diving straight into a full regression; if you prefer to start with a simple guided relaxation session first; this can be arranged on your first session and we can then agree on another session for the regression. This approach may help creating a rapport, mutual trust, and will allow you to test how you feel about the process.
If you are comfortable in proceeding with the regression on the day, we will move on to it straight away. Sessions can vary in length and depth, depending on many factors (please refer to Q: Can everyone be successfully regressed?).
I leave time after the regression to talk about the experience. If you go deeply into a regression (which I hope you will), you may feel very peaceful and light, or a little drained, or slightly disoriented. Hopefully you will also be full of amazement at what you just experienced.
Why did I study past Life Regression Hypnotherapy?
Curiosity and a personal loss. I started reading about past lives and karma in order to cope with grief, which triggered a thirst for knowledge and led me to my studies. I’m actually quite a difficult client myself, as my analytical mind makes me a difficult candidate for hypnosis. During my course I did struggle to relax whilst being observed, follow the therapist’s instructions and stop my critical mind from analyzing emerging images and feelings….so I can easily relate to those who are worried, doubtful or “resistant”. But I did manage to experience Past Life Regressions during meditation, vivid dreaming and self-hypnosis (yes, one of those YouTube videos ☺), and I found it so beneficial and healing that I wanted people to experience it too. My teacher still considers me a challenge and I’m a work in progress…and aren’t we all?
Allergies and special requirements
Please note I have 2 indoor cats and, despite all my best efforts, the treatment room will be contaminated with cat fur. If you suffer from asthma and use an inhaler, please make sure to bring it with you. I normally burn incense or use aromatherapy oils, if you know that this may cause any adverse reaction, or if you are simply not a fan, please let me know and I will avoid using them. If you have any other concerns, feel free to get in touch and I’ll do my best to accommodate your needs.
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